PSS - PSS Worldwide







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Jump into PSS World

And enjoy teaching at 360 degrees

Jump into PSS World

And enjoy teaching at 360 degrees

Where leaders are respected, and creativity expected!
PSS Worldwide is one of the most innovative diver training agencies in the world. Born from the passion of dive training professionals more than 25 years ago, today thousands of PSS trained divers and leaders demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities around the globe. PSS professionals continue to think “outside of the box” and are constantly striving to make diver education and training better for the student, store, and professional.

PSS Worldwide is a member of the World Recreational Scuba Training Council (WRSTC) and belongs to RSTC.

Membership to RSTC qualifies its associated organizations, by virtue of the common minimum standards, as being"internationally recognized".

The standards of PSS diving courses conform to the directives of the European Community (EU Standards) and ISO standards (International Organization for Standardization). This conformity is essential in order to operate in compliance with the training rules and regulations associated with worldwide scuba training .
Training In All Directions - 360 degrees

PSS Worldwide deals with the training of divers at any level and in any activity, from freediving to recreational diving, from emergency to technical diving. This great versatility allows us to satisfy the demands of all types of divers.
PSS Worldwide's educational activities belong to four educational divisions:
FREEDIVING: snorkeling and free diving courses.
RECREATIONAL: recreational diving courses using air or nitrox, not below 40 meters (130 feet) and within the no-decompression stop dive times.
TECHNICAL: technical diving courses using different gas mixtures, beyond any of the limits of Recreational courses.
EMERGENCY: courses in emergency management, general and specific to diving activities in particular.
Leadership is is not for everyone.

Divemasters and Assistant Instructors certified by recognized training agencies can become PSS Scuba Instructors.

Expert freedivers who want to teach freediving may qualify as PSS Freediving Instructors.

PSS Scuba Instructors with significant technical diving experience may becomeTechnical Instructors.

Scuba Instructors and Freediving Instructors may become Emergency Instructors.

PSS professional qualifications are internationally recognized and qualify the holder to accompany and train scuba divers and freedivers.

PSS Worldwide is renowned for the quality and thoroughness of its training programs for both divers and dive leaders. PSS professionals receive the best and most comprehensive training possible and maintain a reputation at an international level as exceptional educators and leaders.

For information write to:

Professional PSS - Scuba Instructor - Freediving Instructor - Technical Instructor - Emergency Instructor - RSTC

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Program Crossover Instruktur
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Proyek WED
Untuk mendukung dan melindungi ekosistem laut.
Standar PSS
Menjadi bagian dari RSTC, PSS memenuhi syarat sebagai agen pelatihan penyelam internasional.
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MyEVO - Belajar, dimanapun anda berada
MyCard - Sertifikasi anda dalam genggaman anda setiap saat.
MyPSS - aplikasi resmi PSS.
MyEVO - Belajar, dimanapun anda berada
MyCard - Sertifikasi anda dalam genggaman anda setiap saat.
MyPSS - aplikasi resmi PSS.