PSS - PSS Worldwide







Pulihkan kata sandi
Pulihkan kata sandi
Ti informiamo che a breve riceverai una e-mail che ti permetterà di modificare la tua password
Pulihkan kata sandi
Username non trovato in archivio.
Aggiorna indirizzo email
Aggiorna indirizzo email
E' stata inviata una email di conferma al nuovo indirizzo che hai specificato, la procedura di aggiornamento sarà completa non appena selezionerai il link di conferma.
Aggiorna indirizzo email
Si è verificato un errore durante la procedura di aggiornamento. Riprovare più tardi
Caricamento in corso...

Your certifications with you at all times

To be ahead of the times, we have created the best ever App for smartphones so you can always have your PSS certifications with you wherever you are, simply and safely.

Indeed, digital verification guarantees the best proof of qualification and can be done from any PC, smartphone or tablet.

To be ahead of the times, we have created the best ever App for smartphones so you can always have your PSS certifications with you wherever you are, simply and safely.

Indeed, digital verification guarantees the best proof of qualification and can be done from any PC, smartphone or tablet.

Technologically advanced
Here are some of the benefits of the PSS MyCard:

  Automatic updating of data International recognition
  Anticounterfeiting QR safety No possibility of loss
  Offline data saving Saving in image gallery
  Check-in Online Send and print with a click
  Automatic updating of data
  Anticounterfeiting QR safety
  Offline data saving
  Check-in Online
  International recognition
  No possibility of loss
  Saving in image gallery
  Send and print with a click
No internet? No, problem!
Thanks to "PSS-Sync" technology, Mycard automatically updates and synchronizes your data (certifications and qualifications) when there is connectivity and saves it on your smartphone.
So you can use the App and show your certifications even if you are abroad or without Internet connectivity.

Thanks to "PSS-Sync" technology, Mycard automatically updates and synchronizes your data (certifications and qualifications) when there is connectivity and saves it on your smartphone.
So you can use the App and show your certifications even if you are abroad or without Internet connectivity.

Check-in Online
Save, print and share

Thanks to the "send certification" function, you only need one click to check-in at a diving center.
If you want, you can also save certifications in the image gallery of your Smartphone and by using the "send by email" and "print" function, you can quickly forward your certifications or print them.

Thanks to the "send certification" function, you only need one click to check-in at a diving center.
If you want, you can also save certifications in the image gallery of your Smartphone and by using the "send by email" and "print" function, you can quickly forward your certifications or print them.

Download the PSS My Card for your smartphone immediately

PSS MyCard

EVO - Sistem belajar terdepan
Cari tahu lebih lanjut tentang metode pelatihan yang patut ditiru dalam dunia selam.
Cari tahu mengapa
Program Crossover Instruktur
Kami telah membuat program ini sebaik mungkin sehingga anda dapat mewujudkan keinginan anda untuk berpindah ke PSS
lanjutkan baca
Proyek WED
Untuk mendukung dan melindungi ekosistem laut.
Standar PSS
Menjadi bagian dari RSTC, PSS memenuhi syarat sebagai agen pelatihan penyelam internasional.
Lanjutkan baca
MyEVO - Belajar, dimanapun anda berada
MyCard - Sertifikasi anda dalam genggaman anda setiap saat.
MyPSS - aplikasi resmi PSS.
MyEVO - Belajar, dimanapun anda berada
MyCard - Sertifikasi anda dalam genggaman anda setiap saat.
MyPSS - aplikasi resmi PSS.