PSS - PSS Worldwide







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Respect before all else.
PSS Worldwide condemns any conduct that is in conflict with environmental protection and is committed to educating divers about a sustainable approach to the underwater world. PSS has set up the WED project (an acronym for "Water - Environment - Divers") to promote and support environmental protection and the marine ecosystem.

We really do it.

We motivate the students in our courses, through the texts and programs, to behave respectfully towards the environment.
We teach students about techniques to use in the water and the rules to follow so they may integrate with the environment without damaging or altering its delicate equilibrium.
We sponsor certified non-profit scientific research projects aimed at making important contributions to the environment.
We collaborate with official bodies and institutions whose aims are to protect the environment.
We encourage initiatives and events that promote the environment.
We educate PSS professionals about marine ecology, so they are up-to-date and aware of the important topics regarding all aspects of marine life.
Small everyday gestures.

The personal commitment of all PSS professionals is essential in order to instill respect for the underwater environment and awareness of the need to protect it among the diving public.

But, above all, it is our everyday actions (such as carrying a small net on a dive to collect any trash or plastic on the sea bed or dive site) that are important. Good examples also help teach future divers to be nature lovers.

Always special.
Those who choose PSS always want to stand out.
This is also why we have created the 'Special Edition' card.

Request the 'Special Edition' card and support, together with PSS, the WED (Water Environment Diver) project created to protect the marine environment and ecosystem.

The "Adopt a turtle" project.

Created through collaboration between PSS and the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station for the recovery and rehabilitaion of turtles accidentally captured or injured; monitoring of beaching; creating awareness and educating the general public in regards to the conservation and the responsible management and use of the marine environment.

The Green Fins initiative

As a dive professional leading and guiding scuba divers, you have the ability to positively influence diver behavior and help protect coral and other marine life on every dive. If you can manage your divers and prevent them causing damage, then you are helping protect coral reefs one dive at a time. An initiative by UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme) - named “Green Fins” - was established in 2004.

The Green Fins initiative aims to protect and conserve coral reefs through environmentally friendly guidelines that promote a sustainable diving and snorkeling industry, as well as supporting the new ISO standards 21416 and 21417 for sustainable diving.

Currently International Coordinators of this initiative is the United Kingdom charity The Reef-World Foundation.

Faced with this challenge, The Reef-World Foundation has distilled 10+ years’ experience coordinating the Green Fins initiative among the global dive community to create a unique, free online training course: the Green Fins Dive Guide e-Course. The foundation designed the course to build on the existing knowledge, experience and passion of local dive guides by empowering them with greater environmental knowledge and tools to better manage their guests.

PSS Worldwide is proudly supporting the Green Fins initiative by hosting the Green Fins Dive Guide e-Course on its EVO System and asking to all PSS professionals to enroll in this free of charge course, with the chance to get a certification which complies with the new ISO standards for sustainable diving. While advising or correcting a customer might seem daunting, taking the Green Fins Dive e-Course can help give dive guides a new level of confidence when liaising with customers. In turn, this can help create better, more informed divers who will take their new-found knowledge with them wherever they go.

Ambiente PSS

EVO - Sistem belajar terdepan
Cari tahu lebih lanjut tentang metode pelatihan yang patut ditiru dalam dunia selam.
Cari tahu mengapa
Program Crossover Instruktur
Kami telah membuat program ini sebaik mungkin sehingga anda dapat mewujudkan keinginan anda untuk berpindah ke PSS
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Proyek WED
Untuk mendukung dan melindungi ekosistem laut.
Standar PSS
Menjadi bagian dari RSTC, PSS memenuhi syarat sebagai agen pelatihan penyelam internasional.
Lanjutkan baca
MyEVO - Belajar, dimanapun anda berada
MyCard - Sertifikasi anda dalam genggaman anda setiap saat.
MyPSS - aplikasi resmi PSS.
MyEVO - Belajar, dimanapun anda berada
MyCard - Sertifikasi anda dalam genggaman anda setiap saat.
MyPSS - aplikasi resmi PSS.