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Deeper and Safer

Your ultimate adventure

Your ultimate adventure
Your chance to save a life
Courses in the PSS Technical division belong to the branch of diving which is generally described as "technical". This term is used to define diving activities carried out, for enjoyment, beyond the limits defined for "recreational" diving.

According to PSS, any type of dive (within no-deco stop time limits or not), if made beyond the limits established for recreational diving activities, is considered "technical".

Obviously technical diving also has its limits that must be observed, especially during training activities.

The PSS technical diving courses are considered among the best in the world and PSS Technical Instructors are only qualified after careful selection based on their experience and the quality of their teaching.
Decompression Techniques
An exceptional opportunity to gain experience about requirements for technical diving. Gaining knowledge and techniques for dives beyond the no-decompression dive limits allows you to consistently extend the limits of your possibilities by giving you more autonomous skills for risk analysis and better techniques for dealing with emergency situations associated with technical diving.
Course features include the use of one air or nitrox breathing mix for the entire dive; maximum depth of 45 meters (147 feet); total ascent time of 30 minutes.
Accelerated Decompression
Having acquired all the techniques for dealing with emergencies on the Decompression Techniques course, you will now learn how to reduce the duration of decompression, while increasing safety, through the use of hyper-oxygenated mixes. You will also learn all about decompression, what changing breathing gases during the dive entails and, above all, how to optimize decompression mixes!
Course features include the use of nitrogen-oxygen binary gases, with oxygen percentage greater than 20%; maximum depth 50 meters (164 feet); maximum total ascent time of 60 minutes, even in an emergency.
Trimix 60 M
In this course you will overcome the fifty-meter barrier while keeping the stability of a shallower dive. This is the great advantage of using mixtures with helium (trimix). But we must not make any mistakes because they could be very costly! A thorough understanding of the specific problems allows you to choose for yourself the best mixtures for the dive, an opportunity that very few training agencies that enforce an overall standardization offer. Do you want to let someone else decide the mix for you, or would you prefer to do it yourself?
Course features include the use of nitrogen-helium-oxygen trimixes and nitrogen-oxygen binary mixes, with a percentage of oxygen equal to or greater than 20%; maximum depth of 60 meters; total maximum ascent time of 90 minutes, even in an emergency.
Trimix 80 M
Going down to great depths requires using several trimixes to optimize the length of the decompression and to maximize safety. In this course you also learn to make wise choices regarding trimixes that are used just for decompression so your deep dives are long enough, even with a limited total dive time.
Course features include the use of several nitrogen-helium-oxygen trimixes and nitrogen-oxygen binary mixes, with a percentage of oxygen equal to or greater than 16%; maximum depth of 78 meters; no total ascent time limit.
Trimix 100 M
Seeing three digits indicating the depth displayed on a dive computer is still an experience for just a few. However, if your objective is to explore deep reefs or wrecks, this course means you will have the knowledge and skills to venture into these extended ranges !
Course features include the use of several nitrogen-helium-oxygen trimixes and nitrogen-oxygen binary mixes, with oxygen percentages equal to or greater than 12%; 100 meters maximum depth; no total ascent time limit.
Professional courses
  • Technical Instructor
  • Technical Instructor Trainer


Come with us into the abyss... Find out about the DWELLER program
Manuals in the Technical line

Technical PSS - Pelatihan PSS

EVO - Sistem belajar terdepan
Cari tahu lebih lanjut tentang metode pelatihan yang patut ditiru dalam dunia selam.
Cari tahu mengapa
Program Crossover Instruktur
Kami telah membuat program ini sebaik mungkin sehingga anda dapat mewujudkan keinginan anda untuk berpindah ke PSS
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Proyek WED
Untuk mendukung dan melindungi ekosistem laut.
Standar PSS
Menjadi bagian dari RSTC, PSS memenuhi syarat sebagai agen pelatihan penyelam internasional.
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MyEVO - Belajar, dimanapun anda berada
MyCard - Sertifikasi anda dalam genggaman anda setiap saat.
MyPSS - aplikasi resmi PSS.
MyEVO - Belajar, dimanapun anda berada
MyCard - Sertifikasi anda dalam genggaman anda setiap saat.
MyPSS - aplikasi resmi PSS.